(The following blog was created by me as the teacher of a Multi-Media class at Durham College, as a way to get to know my students and share their work with the world.)
Please take a moment to introduce yourself and include two references:
1. Include a sample of your favourite work from first year. You can link to YouTube, a URL on your site, or if you’re thinking of illustrations or photos, consider using Flickr, yfrog, twitpic, etc., along with the link.
2. Include a link to someone else’s video (short film, animation, music video… etc) that’s captured your imagination, and give a brief (1-3 sentence) description of why you like it and how it may define your own style.
This exercise will help me understand your interests. This assignment is worth an easy 5 marks. For privacy, you can post as anonymous but follow up with an email so I’m clear who submitted what.
18 thoughts on “Welcome Multimedia Design (MEDI 2302) Video Production”
Trailer for my urbex film shot in Detroit’s Michigan Central Station.
Some crazy stop-motion animation that’s very well planned out.
Bonus third link: Crazy mountain bike film for the fluid camera operation and editing.
Hiya, so here’s my not-so-lovely site from last year http://www.oliviamaclean.com, it has a bunch of my work from first semester.
Also this is the firm I worked at over the summer, so its obviously an inspiration: http://www.b-street.com . Also working there I came to love the Contagious advertising magazine (http://www.contagiousmagazine.com/). Contagious shows everything that is new and exciting in the advertising world.
Bonus link : http://thetripatorium.com/ The Tripatorium is definitely my favourite site for really cool interesting concept videos.
Link to some of my personal work from last year http://slayyou2.deviantart.com/art/Life-Lemons-and-Gold-183937815
Really like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMfSGt6rHos&feature=player_embedded animation for it’s very relevant concept. The execution is also spot on the animation is smooth and without any major glitches. I think it relates to my style of design, because i intend to incorporate some sort of 3D package into my workflow.
A poster I made for a K-os and Shad tour. Used pictures I took from the
K-os MTV Unplugged show at the Masonic Temple.
Element Skater Nyjah Houston riding street. Love the use of the Fish Eye Lens, the way it’s shot (angles). I believe he was 10 years old when this was filmed.
Canadian BMX Red Bull Rider Drew Bezanson at Joyride 150 in Markham. I think it’s a pretty creative video with the turning of the camera as he turns in the air. I’ve seen him ride numerous times and he is just mind blowing.
One of my favorite movies is Never back down!
In the first link I put up my resume from my XHTML class from last year, it has some of my artwork that I did in Digital Illustration and also what I did in XHTML.
The second link is a website that I love to visit. The website is a snowboarding one, it shows you all the latest news and products from the team.
Drake Whately
Hey Rick,
One of my favourite films is Waking Life directed by Richard Linklater. I love the whole concept of the film as well as the animation. I am looking forward to Video Production this semester and hopefully viewing more of your work. So far what I have seen is pretty impressive.
The link above is a site that really inspires me. It is a local music label in which signs local artists in the Oshawa region. The talent is incredible.
At the moment I do not have any work available to show since my external hard drive is not with me. I will gladly show some of my work in the future upon request.
Great responses keep ’em coming please. Remember it’s worth 5 marks so upload your links! These are due at the beginning of next class. If you prefer email that’s fine, but it’s always best to share. rick.dolishny@durhamcollege.ca
Hey there,
This is a link for the piece I like the most, I wouldn’t call it my best though. It has a few things that hurt my brain now. Art is about growth though isn’t it?
This is my link to one of my favourite videos. For the eighties I think is very well done. The flying camera shot blew my mind the first time I saw it. Song is great too if you like old industrial:
Bonus Link: Fun for the whole family. Hands down best commercial ever. I think it sold insurance like 10 years ago:
Kyle Hickson
This is the how-to video I made, I know it is very far from perfect but it was obviously still a lot of fun to make so that’s why its my favorite work, and I like to watch it every once in a while. I guess it should help to give you a good idea of where I’m at. It was filmed with an old camera.
And here is an awesome YouTube video I could watch over and over again, I love it because it is hilarious in a unique way. It clearly took a lot of work to make and I think it was very well done, plus it relates to one of our projects. It defines my style well because its funny, and I’m all about having a good time.
Hey Rick,
Here’s a link to some of my stuff I did last year.
I really enjoy films or clips that bring something different or something I don’t see often. It inspires me to try and bring that sort of uniquenes to my own work. I recently just saw ‘Limitless’ and they used a sort of infant zoom which was really cool I thought.
Jordan Syvret
Please take a moment to introduce yourself and include two references:
1. My favourite piece of work I did for class last year was this photograph: http://i56.tinypic.com/9q9pxh.jpg . My flickr also has a lot of photography I did over the past year that i’m proud of so please take a look if interested 🙂 http://www.flickr.com/photos/veridians/
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x6PhH6v0Ls&feature=channel_video_title
This music video really caught my attention. I found it stunning. The camera angles and seamless transitions really amazed me and i’d love to learn how to edit that beautifully. I could watch this video a thousand times, the video really matches the feel of the music. I think it is outstanding.
Hi Rick, Spark here.
Here’s a link to one of my favourite pieces I made last year in illustrator
It’s fairly simple and wasn’t a heavily weighted piece but I enjoyed how it turned out.
This is a link to a video I enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DOFsV0lxtQ&feature=relmfu
I did some research on the album the song from the video is featured in a while back and the whole thing is based on short stories. I really enjoy the colouring and the feel to the video, towards the end there’s some really creepy elements that I love such as at the dining table. I feel it captured the story the artist was trying to tell extremely well, sometimes that’s hard to do, but the director of this video pulled it off the bands vision of the song well.
Hey Rick,
Well here is a sample of my video work. I think it’s not my best work but hopefully with your class I will become a lot better with my video work!
Here is: How to Add a Friend on Facebook
my favourite music video on youtube is this:
I’m a HUGE Ciara fan, and shes pretty much hot stuff!
This is me!
Oh hey,
Here is the self portrait that i did last year and quite like. its probably my favorite thing ive done so far.
A video that i like is a music video for the song alice (underground). I dont necessarily like it for the song, or the artist but i like the style of the video. it has a tim butron, like feel to it. I like how it has the dark elements in it. My artistic style is usually similar to this, i like high contrast and to use mainly black and white mediums. Also considering the video is meant to correspond with the new Alice in wonderland video, they incorporated video clips and the same style of the movie well.
Hey Rick! Stu Webb here!
Finally got on the blog and oh boy do I ever have some great videos to show you. Here is a link to some great videos by a young visual effects artist/film producer in LA,CA.
His name is Freddiie Wong, and i have been keeping up with his videos for over a year now. His work is fantastic and i think you will really enjoy it, i know i have. I aspire to do similar work and to make my way in the visual effects world, and possibly get work on movie, or television production.
Freddie W was recently on on Jimmy Kimmel, which I feel shows that you can truly make it if you have a powerful idea, and work hard, you can succeed. here is a link to the interview on kimmel:
finally, i have a video that i made in history class last year. It is a video that i am very proud of. Unfortunately you tube’s upload times are HUGEEE, so its been taking me quite some time to get the video up on the net. BUT HERE IT IS! let me know what you think!
My favourite piece of work from last year would have to be my illustration of my self. http://twitpic.com/6lbyca
and a video that i love is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujNf2bxAa4Y its just a song by Crossfaith, and the visual effects are super intense and it would be fun to do 🙂
Hey Rick, I posted a Saw quote last week but maybe i posted it in the wrong spot 😛 So I’m re-doing this as reassurance. Anyway, bomb website Rick!
A video I shot while unemployed