Category: animation

Shannon Larratt 1973-2013

“As the saying goes, “by the time you read this I’ll be dead.” Toronto based artist and activist Shannon Larratt passed away last month. The word of his death was quickly passed on among the BME (Body Manipulation Ezine) community, a culture I don’t participate in but I respect for a number of reasons. You can read his touching End

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This 15 minute video kept my crew and I busy for a few weeks this summer. Produced in association with the Canadian law firm McCarthy Tétrault, this hybrid video/kinetic type animation explains in simple terms the reasoning behind proper record keeping in the modern age. It also serves to introduce best practices as defined by

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Radiohead Animation Contest: I’m In

Many of you who follow my posts on Facebook know I’m a big fan of bands like Nine Inch Nails and Radiohead for their progressive stance on artist rights, new-media distribution, and DRM-free music. You also know I’m a closet animator and take on projects for No Particular Reason, or just for fun. So thanks

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